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Full transcript of 2 hour seance in continuous lighted conditions 1/4/2017

PHYSICAL MEDIUMSHIP RESEARCH SÉANCE IN FULL LIGHT FROM BEGINNING TO END ( all 2 hrs 7 minutes) Another outstanding research séance with 13 independent observers was accomplished by an outstanding spirit team through their medium in bright LED red, blue and white light. The light was on continuously from the moment the thoroughly searched medium entered the thoroughly searched cabinet, until the medium returned to full consciousness and the sitters again searched the medium and chair and then left the room.

At the beginning of the séance the sitters created a circle in the centre of the room and formed the ’Om’ sound in unison 3 times, and when ask about the effect it has, the communicator stated it is very useful for the building of the vibrations needed to work with us. Sitters are told they don’t need to sit extremely still, as the energy is still mainly contained in the cabinet and they also not required to hold hands, as all sitters are very clearly seen by all. They will work with music or just conversations of sitters. This is an advanced group of sitters and the team is confident about their right intention.

Before the séance we were asked to use the air conditioner in the room to reduce the room temperature to 17 degrees (best temperature for ectoplasma production with this particular medium as the benefit is they use less fluid and energy from the medium during ectoplasm production). The team’s aim for this sitting is to strengthen the light tolerance of the ectoplasm, further the education of sitters to the process of phenomena, slowly moving the phenomena further away from the cabinet into the fully lightened room and the other 2 empty cabinets. Main aim is to keep their promise to the medium to work towards full materialisation, away from the medium, in full light. And the spirit team is confident to achieve this, but fully aware that these are all experiments.

5 minutes singing and the tent spins very fast around in a circle and drumming is heard, even thou the drum is in the empty cabinet on the side. Their are 2 empty wooden cabinets and one tent (with the medium) cabinet visible in the room, with the wooden cabinets also closed. The tent lifts and 2 raw (black) ectoplasmic small feet taping between the visible medium’s feet. As the sitters in the back can’t see, they are invited to move closer with their chair to the cabinet. Now the little feet were seen loosely ’bandaged’ with white ectoplasm to become more visible to the sitters in the back.

In very bright red light the circle leader opens the cabinet and ectoplasm is being observed by all, extruding from the mouth for 20-30 seconds, moving down towards the ground. Next opening of cabinet shows the ectoplasm is extruded and a dark spot appears on it. Next time when the cabinet opens there are 2 dark spots on the extruded ectoplasm and resemble some sort of pictures. Light is switched from full red to bright white light close to the cabinet, on request of spirit. Again 2 dark spots show on the ectoplasm like some sort of pictures in different stages of development. Communicator (C) Spirit explanation:” The blobs are created by the ectoplasm taking on photons from the room and depending on how the light hits that, creates the colours we want you to see, and because you are all different, you see brighter or darker colours'. Tent opens by itself and small bells are heard above the tent. Switched to full blue light on request. Reduced blue light and put a skin-colour sock on it to reduce glare.

An ectoplasmic luminous hand with very elongated fingers come out of the cabinet at the top and then a black hand appeared as well and the hands intertwine, clearly seen by all sitters. Hands turn 360 degrees around and hands seem to be growing. Due to loud speaking it is now hard to hear on the recording what is observed further in regards to the hands outside the tent.

The trumpet appears at the top of the cabinet connected to a only slightly visible black mass and a male voice speaks quietly. The trumpet drops to the ground. Sitters comment on how bright it is even in the tent, as they can see through the top of the tent and out the other side because the flap is undone and also allows light into the tent. A black hand appears and holds some white illuminated ectoplasm in a longish form and stretches it with its fingertips showing the creation of ectoplasmic rods (later explained by C). This experiment exposes the substance to the light for about 4mins. The tent moves forward by itself and then the tent is lifted and retrieves the trumpet. Sitters cheer and tent bows in both directions. Blue light is reduced to half intensity. Explanation by communicator (C) to sitter’s(S) question about luminosity and rods:” The white wispy bits you would have seen there (sitters agree), once we make that thicker I believe on your side of life they call it ectoplasmic rods. Next to it you would have seen a form, which means manipulation by intelligence , so it is an ectoplasmic mass, which we form into a form, we hope you could all see the difference between the black ectoplasm and the luminous ectoplasm (sitters agree) , you called white ectoplasm. Sitter: 'so what takes on the blue light? is it the white ectoplasm which takes on the blue light or the black or both?' C: Once we start to make ectoplasm luminous or colourful, we start to take light photons from your side of life, so the ectoplasm will absorb the light and so that’s what takes on the blue light. S: so both forms the white coated and the black. C: In essence the black is not absorbing the light because it is in its raw form, but when it absorbs the light it will become luminous to your side of life. S: so when it is black, as you say in its raw form, and when it is white is it coated with photoplasm ? C: any ectoplasm you see which is white has the light photons on it , and yes we often will coat it in photoplasm, before we allow it to take on luminous light. S: so to keep it safe. C: Indeed yes. S: So when it is luminous is that coated as well to protect it? C: Indeed, we often coat it before we make it luminous. So it can take on the light photons without harming the energy. S; so having the tent open and putting it outside the tent is it to get it more used to light . C: indeed a lot of our experiments, especially with the black ectoplasm at the moment is building so that it can sustain more light so that we can work towards more working in white light and natural light. S: The little feet, was that raw ectoplasm and then it looked like bandages around it. C: No, we were starting to absorb the light passive, as it does not become a full form until the intelligence is there. So what you have seen was the intelligence that was in the black ectoplasm. And the white wisperness around it. If we would thicken it , it would become the rods. Otherwise it is a formless substances and when the intelligence take it up on itself it would form a rounder form. In essence if you would look into the ectoplasm it would be black. It is coated with what you class the white ectoplasm. But the energy is still black. S: so that would then be the photoplasm. C: Indeed yes, there is an ectoplasmic tenure???(hard to hear on recording) there, but it is very much coated in the photoplasm. But the intelligence is still in control of the black ectoplasm. S: so it we would see like a materialisation, so it is a layer of coated ectoplasm around raw ectoplasm which is then controlled by the intelligence. C: That is one way we can do it yes , there are other ways we can utilise the ectoplasm, but in essence yes. S: But when the ectoplasm is coming out with this medium or others, it looks like it is coming out white. C: indeed, as it is produced it takes on the light photons, so that you could see it as the white. And indeed we often produce it as the white as it is safer to work with the white ectoplasm. Every time you work with the black ectoplasm and bring it to light , it brings an increased risk to the medium’s body.

Ectoplasm is heard to been withdrawn. Trumpet appears in the top of tent and communicator speaks very quietly and then pulls the trumpet back into the cabinet. Communicator asks what we saw and explains that this experiment showed them that the mass wasn’t stabilised enough, even thou the team thought it was, as we were unable to see what they were trying to show us all. Only 1 sitter could see from her seat the black mass at the end of the trumpet mouth piece., which was the black ectoplasmic voice-box. The communicator explained that they may think it is visible, but you can’t see it. This highlights the need for conversation between the team and sitters and education of the processes for the sitters is very beneficial for learning on both sides of the veil.

Ectoplasm is heard to being withdrawn and the next experiment repeated the process and the sitters were able to see the black, more structured pulsating black mass around the end of the trumpet. A long luminous arm with hand (without visible elbow and wrist joints) came out of the cabinet beside it and pointed to the voice-box so we wouldn’t miss it again. Very funny. Then the trumpet, a pen and finally a paper aeroplane came flying out of the top of the cabinet. The pen and piece of paper were in the cabinet already for messages, if possible, given by loved ones. Sitters noted that the top back flap was open and continuously let extra light into the cabinet.

3 independent sitters are chosen to come to the cabinet and wait for the ectoplasmic hand to touch them. First sitter gets pulled nearly into the tent and the spirit people stroke the hand they hold. Sitter gets very emotional. Second sitter comments: – hands wrap around sitters hand and pull her close – the hands are moist, nearly wet. 3rd sitter comments: hand is firm , slimy hand, very strong, super flexible nearly like rubber and turns 360 degrees and sitter comments on the fact that he can’t move his hand and arm like that. 4th sitter comments: 2 very wet hands and very flexible.

Sound of ectoplasm withdrawn and cabinet turned by spirit from inside. Face pressed against mesh, but sitters can’t really see clearly. Instructions to turn light to full intensity. Head seen thru mesh but not clear – sitters comment about this and CL instructed to change light to full red light and then add full blue as well. Ectoplasm withdrawn - Face seen very clearly and sitters see masses of white ectoplasm flowing from its nose and mouth. Sitters debate if it was medium’s face with hoody pulled over the eyes to protect him. Sitter: can I ask a question? C: we hope you would. S: was that the mediums face? C: it was what I believe you call the mediums etheric double. It becomes clearer and we progress experimenting with the white light.S: awesome C: Grand, lets see how clear it becomes when we will experiment with the white light. S: was that ectoplasm coming out of nose and mouth at the same time? C; indeed, we try to bring you different aspects in different ways of working, and from that you create different form upon forms. Which will make a bit more sense at a later time. Now in the interest of interest we want someone to check the cable ties to keep the people outside happy and you inside happy.

C: Would you now mind, as the energy is dropping, if we try a quick experiment of matter thru matter next? Sitters agree.

All sitters focus on the tent in full red light and there is no movement in the tent. After a few seconds a volunteer is asked to come forward and open the tent. The checking Sitter is confused as to where the medium's legs are. S: “the medium is in the chair, his legs are funny shaped at a 90 degree angle. Both arms are still attached to the arms of the chair. right leg is still attached to chair. Left leg is at a 90 degree angle under the armrest and between armrest and chair seat. The cable ties are one around the leg and one around the chair leg”. This shows that the leg was moved through the wood of the armrest, as the arm rests and chair legs are a continuous piece of wood with no opening and the tent did not move to suggest any other way. Confirmed by spirit: “we moved the leg through the wooden continuous armrest and also moved the cable tie through the other cable tie to separate them. So no-one can say we removed the cable ties.” (1.46mins) C:' Going forward we really would like to educate you in all the different ways we can work . And indeed even if an experiment may causes controversy please raise it with us so we can, as we have just done, show you other ways as well. If you don’t ask we won’t attempt it. "

S; with the voice-box you produced is that one mass or 2 masses joined together? C: when it is free form it is one mass, however it was still in its forming state when you have seen it. Which is why no clear voice came through. And when it is formed it will be stretched. Until it has the right frequency and vibration for the voice come through. S: do you then need to practice.

C: indeed , but we have people like Mrs Barnaby, who has experience with it. So she often comes thru first to stretch it and get it working. S: is that always done in the black ectoplasm. C: not necessarily, but it is often done, as we have done now, as it takes much more energy to make it into white ectoplasm. Which most of the time you don’t see it , so it would be a waste of energy. S: so you would mostly use that in the dark? C: most the time yes, however as we try to work in more light, so we might use it more there.

Sitters from the back invited to sit close in front of the cabinet. On 3 knocks the CL opens cabinet and all sitters observe ectoplasm coming from the mouth, nose, both palms and solar plexus at the same time in very bright red light for 3 x 20-30second intervals. One time we observed the right hand seemed to draw the ectoplasm back into the body and the left hand was pumping it out. The 4th and 5th opening was done in bright white light to accustom the ectoplasm further to the white light.

(2hrs 05min) C: please return light to red half strength as we would prefer to bring the medium back in the dark, but we promised light all the time, so we will bring him back slower than normal. Please sit still and hold hands now till the medium returns.

Additional experiences reported by sitters after sitting ended: 3 sitters at the back part of the circle felt their chairs pushed from behind simultaneously 2 sitters heard movement behind them in the room , but when they turned around there was nothing 3 sitters observed the curtains on the spare cabinet move. This is a true account of the séance taken from the audio recording and sitters input. Between the observations written down there was a lot of discussions between sitters and singing.

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