Paranormal Weekend
A whole weekend of paranormal information and experiences. Workshops Saturday and Sunday at Wallacia Development Center. Saturday night, possible investigation at Parramatta Gaol.
Renata Daniel and Anne Rzechowicz, from Frightfully Good , are very knowledgable and heaps of fun.Dates to be advised
Expression of Interest Inge 0414862861
We welcome everyone of any level: from the curious, the beginner or the seasoned investigator. We foster friendships and networking, and have a hell of a lot of fun on the way!
Proposed Topics and Schedule
10am Registration. Room allocation. Cup of tea/coffee and a biscuit!
10.30- 11.45am Ghost Photography with Renata Daniel (and Anne)
11.45 - 12noon coffee break
12noon - 1pm Psychic Protection and Hygenie
1 - 2.30pm LUNCH (not included in price)
2.30 - 4.30 Strange Frequencies and EVP with Anne Rzechowicz (and Renata)
5 - 6.30pm Dinner (not included in price)
Saturday NIght
7 - 10pm Parramatta Gaol investigation
10.30am - 12.30pm Sittling In the Power. Circle and Energy Workshop With Jen Ben
12.30 - 2pm Lunch. (Not included in the price)
2 - 3.30pm Demonic Entities with Renata and Anne
3.30- 4pm Wrap up. Q & A
Beds and accommodation
Wallacia Development Centre have some beds available. You need to book your beds if you intend to stay as an additional item.
Whatever bed you book, you will have that to yourself (or whoever you want in it if you have booked a Double). Please note, you will be in shared room s with shared bathrooms. It's a load of fun and we all hang out together.
We have 6 Double beds (sleeps two) at $70 for one night (includes bedding). We have 5 single beds (includes bedding) @ $35 a night
We have 4 camp stretcher beds (no linen or pillows provided) @ $25 a night. Will provide a yoga mat to give you a bit of padding. They are actually quite comfortable.
Please don't rock up and just expect to sleep on the lounge for the night. That's not fair to the people who have paid to stay the night. If you like a bit of privacy, the Wallacia Hotel is a couple of minutes down the road and have beautiful rooms....and the pub is Haunted!!!
Any questions? Drop me a line or call me on 0408 490773
Tickets are ONLY Available via this link: Get Tickets
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